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Jimmy Craig Womble II

Original Oil Paintings


Red Arrow Studio

phone: (252) 904-1500
Red Arrow Studio: 1103-SuiteA Arendell St, Morehead City, NC.
News and Updates
Happy 2023!

Happy New Year! The Year of the Rabbit is upon us and there are some big changes coming for the studio. More details to come soon...


I have a few paintings remaining in my Store

with several being added as soon as I get a few finished, and will add pieces returning from a very successful Holiday showing at the Mattie King Davis Gallery in Beaufort, NC!


Red Arrow Studio Hours:

I'll be happy to meet anyone by appointment, 7 days a week. I'm usually in the studio most weekday mornings and Saturday mornings around 10-2. These are all very organic, so feel free to call or text to make sure I'll be around! 


Keep up with whats going on through my Instagram page.


The Red Arrow Studio is located in Downtown Morehead City, at 1103-A Arendell St. between 11th and 12th Streets. 


WRAL-TV 's Tarheel Traveler episode of my oil painting work below.
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